
Showing posts from November, 2017

Motor Vehicle Act (MACT Law) in India

This blog is meant to help and educate people especially advocates and law students on Motor Vehicle Law in India. The blog was written on Nov 2017. Please check if there has been any amendments or updates to the Motor Vehicles Act. You may read this blog completely once. You may not understand it. When you read this completely again, you will understand it much better. So remember to read this blog again if confused. Emphasis has been on the concept and knowledge instead of the sections of the MV Act which can be easily found from the act itself. There are two types of insurance in India. One is Life Insurance and another is General Insurance. General Insurance is a contract of indemnity under which the person is compensated for the loss on occurance of an event. General Insurance are of several types such as fire insurance, marine insurance, property insurance etc. The branches can be many as per the requirement of the market. The recent trend was insurance of mobile phones ...